Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1st Meeting with Professor Fubabiki

Hello, Everyone!
How is your summer??

This is Miki Fukai and I am the President of SFSU JSA :)
I normally hesitate to write in public because I am not a good writer,
but since everyone is taking their turns, I will do my best to write an entertaining post today.

SFSU JSA had a meeting last week with one of the Jounalism Professors, Mr. Jon Funabiki. He is such an intelligent and friendly man with a good sense of humor.
He knows what college students always like. Yes Cupcakes! :)

I actually met him in the end of May for my first time to brainstorm ideas about Center of Japan and Japanese Culture.
It is a new center in SFSU thanks to Dr. Dilena and this center is going to provide students and faculties in SFSU and hopefully people in the SF community to learn about Japan, Japanese language, culture and many other things.

This time, Professor Funabiki set a meeting with some of the SFSU JSA officers to expand the ideas more and even to discuss about some of the new ones!

 from the left: Sumie Komiya, Yueyu Kanno, Professor Funabiki, Aileen Hara, and Nobuaki Momoi.

With the delicious cup cakes which Professor Funabiki brought to the meeting, We had a great time expanding ideas about potential small events, big events, lectures, exhibitions, and so many  more!

From the left: Yueyu Kanno, Professor Funabiki and me.

This project is going to be very exciting for us because with the center, SFSU JSA is going to be able to plan events which we never had before and also such a precious experience for all of us since we all get to help supporting the center which is related to all of our identity and our root! Also, it is going to be a great chance for us to learn new things about Japan!

Our next meeting with him is in Mid August!
Thanks, Mr. Funabiki and please remember that college students always love sweets no matter how mushy they happen to look!

Thank you very much for reading my post!
Have a great day!

Miki Fukai